Our Vision


We want to see churches of all groups of people in Guilford County uniting together with the mission of making disciples for Jesus of the men and women that are housed in the Greensboro Jail. 

Our Facility


The Guilford County Jail Ministry is blessed to meet weekly in the Central Jail in downtown Greensboro and in High Point.

The Greensboro Jail Central was constructed and occupied in 2012. The facility is podular-style construction; and direct supervision is required to manage the inmate population. Rated capacity for Greensboro Jail Central is 1032 with an average daily population of 690. The facility primarily holds pre-trial detainees but also holds a small percentage of sentenced inmates, federal inmates and inmates awaiting transfer to other jurisdictions.

Greensboro Jail Central offers rehabilitation programs such as: Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous, life skills enrichment and health related programs. Religious services are also offered to all inmates through the Chaplain Services. [information obtained via Guilford County Sheriff's website].

201 S. Edgeworth St. Greensboro, NC 27401  |  GET DIRECTIONS TO UNITE GREENSBORO
